Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Why reservations for OBCs?

What is wrong with the Indian politicians? Have they lost it completely?
Rahul Gandhi, Varun Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, i think you are the guys who can take us out of this mess.
India has always been ruled by so called foreigners. Lets get them back again coz Indian politicians will only give us misery as what they have given in the last so many years.
Imagine, not one of them has the courage to get up and say that the reservations are a total mess! Not one of them!
How much can they fall and to what level? When will this end? After everything has been reserved, who will give those additional voted to who? And who would lose at the end of it all? Only India and the Indians?!
This is as frustrating as it can get. No hope for the country that is supposed to be soon becoming a world power. Jeez!
They are all getting together to gang up against the Supreme Court, the one institution that is left with some semblance of deceny in public life. Just imagine what would happen when these idiots kill the Supreme Court as well.
Who will come to this country's rescue? I think the best way out of this mess is to get some one else from some other country to rule this nation as otherwise we are simply not capable any more since even the President and the Generals are helpless!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The game of elections in India

A game of money and muscle power to see who best traps the illiterate and uneducated simpletons.
We have one corrupt criminal politician playing against the other with the general population being the pawns.
The one who collects the most pawns wins the game.
The best way to collect these pawns is to efficiently use money to buy them or force to threaten them!
If one has to collect these pawns en masse, a third weapon in the armoury is to make them into blocks of vote banks rather than as individuals and then collect them through fear or money. The only way allowed to group them into blocks is to ironically divide them on the basis of caste, religion or language.
Welcome to the great Indian game of elections!