Thursday, January 22, 2009

Showcasing India's poverty

Its surprising indeed that a young and possibly one of the future Prime Ministers of this nation believes genuinely enough that the real India is reflected through the eyes of a poor dalit woman residing in one backward village. What is further ironical is that the Indian media including the press too tends to believe this. Why ironical? Because the media, specially the press, goes only to the literate few in India who can afford to buy newspapers and magazines. So obvioulsy this poor dalit woman living in a village is not one of those who would normally be buying newspapers and magazines.As for the television, i doubt if very many poor dalit women in rural india would have cable connections or even terrestrial tv with electricity in the house to watch the idiot box.One can yet excuse a budding Prime Minister who has studied abroad, has had a girl friend from an exotic land, has an Italian mother to boot and was born to a family of Prime Ministers, when he thinks that he is not from the real India but that the real India lies in a rural setting in the house of a dalit woman.WHat comes as a shocker is that even the media tends to believe that it is not part of this "real" India since clearly this "real" India is not part of the core or even the larger target readership / viewership of the Indian media! So all along for so many years we have been led to believe that the free media in India speaks for the common citizens. Its only now that we discover that these common citizens that the media purportedly speaks does not actually constitute the real India.How on earth or in any other country for that matter can a budding prime miniter take a visitor to a poor family and claim that to be the real India with the entire Media celebrating the great act? Is that really the real India? What does "real" India mean? Does this go on to mean that there are no despicably poor people in the socalled developed countries? If there are, then why doesnt the Indian set of ministers ever go to meet these "real" people? Are all the urban dwellers part of some "fake" India? Are all the rural middle class people part of yet another "fake" India?The media has celebrated an act that should have been castigated even before it happened. I think the budding Prime minister and the media should together apologise for this despicable act of showcasing thepoverty of a rural woman to outsiders. And for that matter, considering it happened in Amethi, what has this family of Prime Ministers been doing for so many decades? They havent been able to set their constituency in order all this while and they hope to rule this nation?! I call for an apology from Rahul Gandhi and would want him to desist from such inhumane and insensitive acts in the future. To begin with, i wish Miliband and Rahul have a sleepover at one of the rural poor people's houses in the UK to see what the "real" UK is all about.Sincerely,From a concerned tax paying well travelled international citizen

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